Friday, May 29, 2009

Bits & Pieces on Adjusting to Our First Day in China

It's 5am and I'm semi wide awake. The beds are hard here and I really appreciate being able to drink water anytime back in the states. Many of the locals here keep speaking to me in Mandarin and they give me puzzled faces when I can't speak. The restaurant waitress kept staring at us because we wanted a big bottle of cocacola (they had no bottle water) to drink and also wanted rice. Interesting. I thot rice bowls were small. We eat out of 3.5 inch dishes with a half inch high rim. I guess they really believe in portion control. Ironically we at nearby where there was a giant pizza restaurant on one side and another giant pizza place across the street. When in china, eat like the chinese. But somehow we and some new friends were not in the mood to eat pizza . . .

We walked 13000 steps today walking through the Forbidden city. Our voices are all dried up. Not sure if because of dehydration or pollution or food. I'm going to take a airborn tablet tonight. I accidently drank a ice mochal coffee. Please continually pray for good health.

1 comment:

  1. Arlene, good to hear your voice -- you sound a little hoarse! hope you're staying healthy! we enjoyed having Chris over here this week...we're keeping you in P. at MIT! :o) bev
