Monday, November 16, 2009

A senior moment X 3

Talk about senior moments. I forgot the account name, blog, email, and password to edit this blog. Fortunately I wrote this information down before I went to China. Since we got back from China, my hair is turning gray, my eyes are baggy'er , and my memory will last as long as my flash drive.

In any case, We're back (more or less). Katie had her welcome to our family party on October 31st, 2009 to welcome her to our family and also to acknowledge many of our friends who supported us through this wonderful journey. This journey is a marathon, and now we're on the second mile.

On November 1st we also had the opportunity to dedicate Katie at our church Chinese Grace Bible Church. It was an opportunity to acknowledge her and to receive supportive blessing from Pastor Joe and the congregation.

The past two months has been really eventful with her palette surgery and recovery. It's been a real blessing to see her grow and cry and scream and touch every button within her little fingers. It's exciting to see her learning sign language and to speak. Unfortunately, Arlene and I tend to look at each other and say "What did Katie say or sign??" So far, she can do her A-Z wooden puzzle quite fast. And she can lose the letters even faster. Life has changed in many ways. I now spend too much time on Ebay shopping for duplo animals!

Katie's poop-con alerts are now becoming are becoming more dramatic. We're more concern about how big her delivery is in terms of tonnage now a days. Currently Katie's crib is in our master bedroom. After she takes a afternoon nap she consistently does her poopbomb and our whole bedroom smells like poop. In order to change her, I have developed the ability to hold my breath for a 2 minute drill. I have to I usually lay out 3-8 wipes in 10 seconds and then lie her down or was it pin her down to pull off the diaper miracle change and then TA-DA! , I turn on the whole house fan to get a breath of fresh air! Ahhhhhh. It's not the best time to turn on the whole house fan in the winter time tho. I always wonder how you determine the number size required for your child. I've concluded that it's based on the diapers ability to hold stuff without leaking or bursting.

With Katie running around more, I'm wondering it our dog has child sheepherding skills or now. Hmm, it's worth trying. Katie's favorite words are currently "Bau", "Moore", and "Mulk".

If you click on the photos, they will become sharper. I also gave up trying to align this post. Blame that on another senior moment. Enjoy